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  • 1626 Montana Ave. Suite 646
  • Santa Monica, CA 90403
  • Phone: (213) 503-1689
  • Website: embokare.com

Meet Dr. Teitelbaum

  • Pain management physician
  • Neurointerventional Surgeon
  • Interventional radiologist

Dr. George Teitelbaum is board-certified in both  neuroradiology and interventional radiology. He has more than 32 years experience in the fields of Pain Management and neurointerventional surgery. He completed his radiology training at the university of California, Irvine, and his Neurointerventional surgery training at the University of California San Francisco. He has previously served as the chief of Neurointerventional Surgery and a pain management physician at the USC/Keck School of Medicine, Children’s Hospital, Los Angeles, and Providence Southern California. He currently offers a wide range of outpatient  pain management, spinal injection and embolization procedures at the Rexford surgical institute, BeverlyHills, California. These procedures include: epidural and nerve root steroid injections, epidural blood patch, kyphoplasty, spinal stimulator insertion, intrathecal catheter insertion, MMA embolization for chronic subdural hemorrhage and intractable headache pain, embolization for chronic knee pain, the Osteocool procedure for painful spinal metastases, as well as a variety of pelvic embolization procedures for hemorrhoids, prostate enlargement, uterine fibroids, and varicoceles.